5 Best Coffee Drink Orders

The 5 best coffee drink orders. Out at a cafe, and if you can, at home too. Iced coffees, regular coffee, lattes. All the coffee!

No matter where you go, there are certain coffee drinks that will always be on the menu. And if you have a coffee machine, espresso machines, or anything else you might need to make specialty coffee at home. It’s all about finding your favorites. My Nespresso and Aerocinno are a game-changer for me after my brother got the espresso machine when he moved out! But there is still something I love about getting a coffee at a coffee shop. It’s my happy place! My 5 best coffee drink orders are listed below, drinks you can get out at your favorite coffee shop, or make at home.

Okay, so most coffee places have flavoring – so you can always take a basic latte and add a little flavor. Most coffee shops have their own drinks and combinations to try. But I’ll run down my top 5 drinks, seasonal, regular, and just coffee!

  1. COFFEE – black or with cream and sugar. Each place is different but there are a few places that have a great drip coffee! Regular brewed coffee is fine at home, but I’ll get a good drip coffee out and about.
    But I love brewing coffee in my old coffee maker that got me through University! My Nespresso makes great coffees when I just need one cup!! Love to have the options of different coffee flavors and types with my Nespresso.
  2. Starbucks Pumpkin Cream COLD BREW – I’d have this all year if I could. It’s regular iced coffee with a flavored cold foam cream and oh my gosh it’s so good! It’s a must-have for sure!
  3. If I’m not feeling coffee then you can never go wrong with LONDON FOG! It’s one of my favorites! Made with almond milk or coconut milk gives it that extra yum.
  4. FLAVORED LATTE – Hazelnut Latte or Caramel – just a good regular flavor latte. You can’t go wrong with that. But the BEST — what my family likes to call a “SATURDAY MORNING” — just some brown sugar and extra cinnamon in your latte and it feels like a perfect Saturday morning.
    Again, at home, my Nespresso does everything I need. In the long run, it saves money too. So if you love your coffee like moi, it would be a good investment if you are looking for something.
  5. And last but not least a MARBLE MOCHA. Most places will always have the option to do a white mocha or a dark mocha – well mix them together and voila! A marble mocha – both white chocolate and dark chocolate! It’s a sweet treat whenever you need a pick me up!
My Nespresso machine. It makes the perfect iced coffee and regular lattes. The Vertuo does regular coffee too.

I’m a very picky coffee person. Growing up in a coffee shop will do that to you. I’ve been drinking probably way too much coffee since I was like 15… maybe younger. I hope you’ll try one of these for your next coffee! Or even get yourself a nice at-home machine, I can’t say enough good things about Nespresso! Enjoy!

Love Crystal

The Journey

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