A Prayer for my Son

Thank you Lord for my son. The gift that he is. This is my prayer for him and his life. I pray that it is wonderful and that he is loved and protected.

Dear Lord, Thank you for the precious gift of being this little boy’s mom. I thank you for creating him and choosing me to be his mom. I thank you for helping me to grow and nurture him before he his was born and now that he is born that you help me to continue to do so. I pray you guide me and teach me to be the mom he deserves and the mom who teaches him all about you. I pray that he knows that he his loved and protected.

A prayer for my dear son, Lord

I pray that he grows up with the strength of Samson and the fearlessness of Daniel. I pray he is loving and kind, that he shows respect to everyone. Lord help him chose right from wrong. I pray that he is generous and understanding, and forgiving. That he has a pure heart, that his thoughts and are pure and holy. I pray that he is joyful and excited about everything life has to offer. I pray that he knows his worth and that you made him great. I pray that he learns to follow you, to turn to you and to have the faith of Abraham. I pray that I am able to teach him to believe in you and to pray for his purpose that you created him for.. I pray that he knows you are with him wherever he goes and with whatever he does. I pray he goes after his dreams and goals with all he has and that he knows you have created him for all great things. I pray that he works hard at whatever he chooses and always does his best. I pray that you remove any temptation and that you guard his heart against evil. I pray Lord that he will always turn to you in times of trouble and in times of joy. I pray for his future wife, that she is a woman of God. I pray for her heart, that you continue to show yourself to her. I pray she is full of your wisdom and patience. Lord that she is humble and kind, generous and loving. Lord, I pray she follows her heart and that she brings my son joy and shows him what true love is. I pray that she is strong and works hard in all she does. I pray that she is clothed with strength and dignity and that she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. (Psalms 31). I pray that you guide her parents and that they are able to teach her and guide her as well. Finally, Lord, I pray that you protect and nurture him. That you would keep him safe and healthy, spiritually, mentally and physically. Watch over him each day and bless him through life’s trials. I pray that he is an example to all of your great love, that he stands strong, proud and courageous through life.Live Courageously, Love Crystal

The Journey

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