Top 5 Summer Must Haves: Mama Edition

For those busy mama’s just trying to make the best of their summer. This one is for your. My top mama summer must haves! Here we go!

1. A Great Bathing Suit – one that you feel amazing in. That you feel confident in and one that you love. The whole “summer body” is great in memes and stuff, but that’s the last thing you want to think about while you’re on the beach with your family trying to have fun! You’re running around outside with kids, in the summer. There is bound to be water, and you are bound to get wet. So find one you absolutely love! For me, I love high waist bathing suits and one-pieces. I found this awesome one at Cupshe. THIS suit is similar to my favorite. Mine is sold out, but this site has wonderful options and great prices. I also love THIS one!

2. Sunscreen – So important for us to remember to take care of ourselves too! I use the same sunscreen as Mal. Especially on my face.

3. A Good Book – you may not get time to read, but that doesn’t mean you can’t carry around a book in case you get a few minutes here and there! It took me a year to finish one of my novels (I read other books in between, but none of them were random, just for fun books!).

4. Friends with kids – You need those mama friends. They help keep you sane while understanding every you’re experiencing as a mama too. Two of my great friends have kids around the same age as M and it’s the greatest thing. To have them over so the kids can play, or go to the water park together. Make plans for them to play together. And bonus you get a couple of hours of adult conversation! Join a Mommy and Me class. Meet some new mama friends. Reach out to a small group or connect group that you know of with moms. I’m the worst at that sort of thing, but mom friends can make a huge difference. Online mama friends work too, although actual face to face mom friends are awesome. In need of a friend, I’m here. You can find me on Facebook, or Instagram.

5. Coffee – Cold Brew, Iced Lattes, Frappuccinos, Lattes, and good ole hot coffee!! Summer, the days are long, and sometimes the nights are too. My son’s room gets really hot during the night so he gets uncomfortable and wakes up…. a lot. So coffee, a summer must-have for sure!

BONUS: A good Babysitter – You need a break, and what better time than summer nights with your love. Patio dinners and drinks are my favorite thing to do in the summer. It’s gorgeous out in the evenings, the weather is nice. It’s great to get out and relax, and not have to worry about what is happening at home. We are so blessed to have family close by that will take M on a moment’s notice.

Those are my summer essentials. Nothing fancy, nothing much. Just enough to survive while having fun with those kiddos! And my little man, he can go from sunup to sundown! So these are must-haves for sure!

You can also read my Toddler Edition of summer must-haves HERE. Keeps them entertained and happy all summer long, no guarantees but I’m praying for this to be your best summer yet!!

Love Crystal

The Journey

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