2019.. Time for new years resolutions. Going to the gym, eating better, doing better… Everything I basically tried last year. It’s hard, no matter how many times I say I’ll do something, that it is my new year’s resolution, I can’t keep it up. I start out and a couple weeks later I’m done, it never sticks. December is basically my month to say I’ll start that next year. But it never works.
This year I decided to try something different. I’m going to make goals, small goals and I’ll build them up as I go throughout the year. I’m going to build habits, work on smaller parts instead of these big resolutions. It’s easier to build little habits than trying to change large parts of your life all at once. Goals let you make a plan, something to follow step by step with small changes, instead of just something you just decided to do right away. Did you know it takes 12-14 days (depending what you read) to build a habit? New years resolutions are easy to make but we don’t always carry them through. The best way to start – is to write them down. I’m going to write them here for you guys to see too, as a way to hopefully encourage your dreams and goals.
These are my main “big” goals. I’ll have smaller steps to reach them in their entirety, but my overall goals are as follows.
This is year I want to build my blog into a bigger community – reach more moms and be a place for encouragement and connection. To write things that are relevant to others around me. If you have anything you’d like to see on my blog or read about just let me know. I’d love some new ideas too. I want to be able to write without worry about what people might think. I want to write honestly and from my heart. I hope that’s okay.
I want my little business with diffuser jewelry and vinyl designs to flourish into something… not sure what yet but one step at a time. I love to create the labels, and I have all these ideas for what I’d like to make for others who use essential oils and can’t label their bottles. To provide a service to make things easier to use their oils. They only work if you use them consistently.
I want to reach more people with information and give them a chance to switch to more healthy, natural products. To bring the benefits of essential oils to their families and to get away from the toxic chemicals that we’re putting into our bodies.
I want to grow myself personally and with my relationship with Jesus.
I want my marriage to continue to grow stronger.
I’m sure I could keep going with everything I would like to see in myself in the new year. Somethings I want are totally out of my control and I need to practice just letting go and surrendering my plan for God’s plan.
I’m nervous and excited at the same time for everything that is possible for 2019. I remember this time last year things seemed so grim in terms of my health and what could happen with our son. Now looking back I realized God was so present in my whole pregnancy that I had nothing to worry about. He is always in control and our plans may not look like his plan but that’s okay. It’s tough, but something to grow in.
I have the most precious son, my husband and I have learned so many new things about each other, were even communicating better (which was tough for me at the beginning of our marriage). We’ve switched into a more natural product household and my family as well. 2018 was one of the best years. It was tough, exciting and scary at times but all so worth it.
Make this year the best yet by setting goals, making habits and growing yourself. I wish you and your family the most wonderful, courageous new year. We wish you peace, love and lots of laughter and that you’ll make steps towards making your goals and dreams a reality.
Love Crystal