Easter Family Traditions

This year is Malachi’s first Easter. He’s still a little young to understand Easter baskets and the Easter bunny. Or even the meaning of Easter and the love and sacrifice of Jesus. After Good Friday service we went for brunch, just our little family and my husband and I talked about what Easter traditions we wanted to do with Malachi, and our future little ones. It got me thinking.

Growing up, we always got Easter baskets – toys, games, activities and of course chocolate! Even to this day, my mom brings us presents. I wanted to carry that tradition on to Malachi and my kids. Easter baskets, toys and fun activities to do while we are with the family. We have a big Sunday dinner with all the grandparents, aunts and uncles who can make it. We spend as much family time as we can!

Being in ministry with my husband, Easter is a very busy time for us. Months leading up to this weekend, prepping crafts and buying Easter candy for all the kids to teach them about His love and sacrifice, who come to church takes up lots of our time. The actual weekend, Sundays for us are spent doing so much fun Easter stuff at church with all the kids! Sundays are usually the busiest, with church all morning and into the afternoon and then dinner with the family. These are our traditions before kids and they will probably be our traditions with kids with a few more special things for them.

So my husband and I made a plan. Obviously, we won’t know how this will work until next year, but I love to plan. I’d love to hear some of your favorite traditions you guys do with your kids, so I can adjust and add any awesome ideas you guys do!

Our Good Fridays start with church. Taking communion, worshipping God and remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins. Followed by brunch and some family time! Brunch isn’t something we get around to doing on a regular basis, so it’s a nice little treat for us to do. Friday nights, we want to be able to celebrate as a family. Teach our kids what Jesus did for us. How he died on the cross for us to know Him. His pain, the agony and the humiliation he endured to save us of our sins. We get just a glimpse of what He did for us! His blood has set me free. It will never lose its power for me. This is super important for myself and my husband, that our kids know this and learn this not only at church but at home where they can ask questions and be curious too.

Saturday mornings are for the treats of course! After breakfast, hopefully, lunch too. I love the tradition of Easter egg hunts and fun little baskets with activities and toys for the day while spending time together with our families. Sleeping in – as much as you can with kids, and nowhere to go! Some of my favorite days.

Sundays are for church! He has Risen – our hope truly is in the Resurrected King. It’s a party on Sundays! My husband and I help with tons of Easter Egg hunts and teaching kids all about Jesus and His resurrection. After a busy morning and afternoon, we finish off our weekend with some good ole family dinner time and rest! The whole family, grandparents from both sides and uncles and aunts. We are so grateful that our families are so close and that we can spend this time all of us together!

Those are some of our Easter Traditions – the biggest part for me is remembering the love of Jesus and sharing that love with others. To remember that he died for my sins, so that I may know Him more. I want my kids to know how much they are loved and that they should love others, as God has loved us! Bonus favorites are the chocolates and family time too! Because – Hersey’s mini eggs, am I right!?

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter with your families! 

Love Crystal

The Journey

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