Our Schoolhouse

Our homeschool room has all the basics that help keep us organized and has a little bit of something for each of the boys.

Or homeschool room. Whatever you want to call it. We call it our home school room. Or junk closet or gym. It’s very multipurpose. But I do love that we got to make it a little more schooly this year. You can see it transform on the video HERE. I tagged all the goods below.

We got most of the furniture at IKEA so I found some similar ones ranging in prices and colors and a little different design. So far it’s been great for both boys, Mal as he’s sitting down to do school and for Jude who gets to play and be involved at the same time.

They’ve got a little reading corner with chairs my mom bought them. They play more than they read there at the moment but it’s cute. The desk has a paper roll at the top and makes it perfect for any writing and coloring (I found a couple desks similar, this one is from IKEA).

The bookshelf details are my favorite. The Busy Puzzle has been great for learning his alphabet and any games where we need letters. The abacus (which I just learnt its name) comes in handy for simple math. Wire and box file holders keep everything organized and easily accessible. And the books, a few of our favorites and so many more!

Our cart for everything supply wise, glue, sticky notes, tape, paint, pens, pencils, crayons, scissors, markers, you name it. The containers in the cart help a lot with organization. There are so many books on our shelves from my husband’s family, that he had as a kid and from mine as a kid. There’s also some from different home school groups and moms in my community.

There is such a wonderful community of home schoolers that I didn’t know about. And so if you don’t know, reach out, I’m sure there are tons in your area too! There’s some wooden, noiseless toys for Jude in there too! The basics are filled with more supply type things as well as puzzles and sensory bin items. Or and gym stuff. So that is our homeschool room!

Our Favorite Wooden Toys:

Ice Cream

Garbage Truck* can’t find the link, is available on Amazon.com


Construction Cars

Your school room doesn’t have to be a room. Some mornings we don’t even make it down there. The kitchen table is as far as we go. It’s nice to have that space to store things for sure. But one of the many perks of homeschooling – it can be done anywhere. You do what works best for you and for your kids! That is all that matters!

Please reach out with any questions and comment below you’re favorite must have homeschool item!

If you’re looking for some fun school materials I have an A is for Apple Sensory Bin and other activities HERE.

Shop the photos on liketoknow.it. The cart, desk and the bookshelf.

Love Crystal

The Journey

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